Sunday 30 August 2015

Project 52 - AUGUST

It's been a crazy and cosy August. Crazy because summer school just went on forever cosy because I feel like I really tried to make the best of my holiday while I had it this year. It's a hard balance to achieve believe it or not and one runs the risk of sleeping it away (mmMMmm sleep!) but this year I think purposefully placing the goal of adventure on my to do list made a difference. Sounds strange but I legit had some this time! Just goes to show you can't beat a good plan hu? One more summer mini adventure to share with you coming soon so look out for that. One my computer co operates.

01.|| Beautiful souvenir shop in the city, I love to stare at it!

02.|| One of my favourite ABM happymail prints, it's really been keeping me motivated!

03.|| I scored a pencil with my favourite Disney princess Belle on it. Dunno why Cindy being all up in the shot but whatevz. Also our rose bush happened to be in bloom then thanks universe!

04.|| That morning walk though.

Check out more of my 2015 Project 52 experience :

= Project 52 =
+ January
+ February
+ March
+ April  
+ May
+ June
+ July

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