Tuesday 21 July 2015

An Inspired Season | Oops, Mini Adventure!

This season of my life is all mangled in essays and stress and very unique pains. So much so that it is very hard to find beauty everyday. Still, stress does not negate time and the spinning of the world. Life goes on, even if it has to drag you from the back of a horse, even if you have to hit your head on every rock from here to your destination you are moving in time.

My tooth broke about two weeks ago while I was stressing over an upcoming exam. I was so pressed for time and so buried I had to put off my dentist appointment until after the exam last Wednesday. They fixed it on Saturday and i woke up to part of that fix chocking me on Sunday morning.

God's mercy extendeth forever though; I wasn't in any pain the entire time, just stress.

When I got home from the dentist on Saturday afternoon I met my mother and grand mother headed out the door for a quick sea shore escapade. I tried to explain this to a friend of mine. The feeling it insights in those who live on this side of the island. These tiny sea shore beachs reach almost up to the very edge of the road. There is little room for lunging. The most you get is space to take your shoes off. The seas is often rough there but still beautiful, always beautiful.

(When the sun shone a little before retreating again)

It was a beautiful overcast day, you can tell because the sun is illuminating some areas of the picture but not so much others. We didn't stay long, an hour at most but oh what the sea can do to a person! Oh how it seems to get into your bones and swish around like mouth wash does, rinsing and leaving you with this air of freshness...a cleanliness you can't get from an indoor shower.

We didn't stay long but we sure slept like we did that night.

I am grateful for a chance at these quick and easy escapades that island life affords me. Let the way the sun popped out of the clouds every now and again, changing the look and feel of our surroundings serve as a reminder to me to bathe sunshine and colour everyday down upon even this season of tumbles.

Peace. Love. #SavourYourSeason
This post is in link up to Brave Love Blog's  AnInspiredSeason Series.

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