Went to the set of 'Day Break' to recite a self composed poem. Coinciding with support for National Women's Day.
Like my radio show guru friend puts it, it's not about a fight about who is better man or woman, it's about fighting against a negative mentality, one that has us thinking that embracing femininity is embracing weakness. So if International Women's Day is against that, I approve this message.
Eli was with me as she was asked to recite a famous poem about women by a famous woman.
However...let's review...
It's five AM
maybe you didn't hear me,
I reach over to stop that incessant noise that is my alarm.
So there I am. I am a working student with a midterm in less than a day,
Why am I awake at five am for something that is not work?
But everything is better after a hot bath right?
One hot bath later.
I am wondering what I've gotten myself into.
But as I comb my hair in my living room, alongside furniture who's edges are dimly lit by the rays of fleeing moonlight i notice...
The moon is pretty.
As it sets and gives way to the waking of day. It is quiet, filled with the peace of a sleeping house. In this very moment I am warm,I am at peace. I am grateful. Also, I am reluctant to disturb this peace with the not so gentle hum of the microwave for the preparation of tea.
Five seconds later (or so it seems) Birds are chirping, The sky is fills with the light of dawn My mom is awake and urging me out of the house with her paranoid but what always turns out to be not so paranoid banter.
So I am off and out of the house busily making my way to the bus pick up in time to catch the remnants of night's coat tail exit the day, saying good by to the leaves of the trees...
And oh! What a beautiful scene right?I'm not worried, I'm early.
I was awake when everyone's alarm started going off, I gave myself time to do all the things of my morning routine and I was now planted squarely about the bus route waiting....and waiting...and waiting for a bus.
Watch glance
It is 6:45
Still waiting.
It takes me 30 minutes to get to my destination. I am expected at 7:10There is no bus in sight
At this point I know that this is not working. This will not work.I am thinking the daughters words of death 'My mother was right'
More expletives.
I will not make it.
I will not make it.
I will NOT make it unless....
I get a ride.
I hate sticking my hand out and asking for rides. I always feel so silly and bothersome when I beg for them. But I've exhausted my explosives for now and I want to win. The next vehicle that passes by here I am begging for a ride.
1 vehicle...
Me begging...
No dice...
Shot to the chest.
Repeat process with vehicle number 2
Vehicle number 3
He passes....
He stops.
I make a very physical voiceless gesture of 'yes thank you Jesus and God'
Run like your life depends on it.
Ride attained
In town by 7.05
Always late friend is already there.
Speed walk to studio.
Follow given instructions.
Get lot.
Get slightly annoyed.
Ask directions from mall security.
Given more directions.
Find studio.
Notice that the person who invited us there...
isn't there...
Feel stomach butterflies.
Finish taping.
Off to breakfast with friend!
the set of Daybreak Grenada to re sight a self composed poem in connection to International Women's Day on the morning of Thursday 8th 2012
That's right! MORE TEA!
Old ribbon for International Women's Day pinned to one of the hosts shirt!
Aside from the blurry pictures and wind muddling our voices here and there, a morning well spent :)
Will update with video when it is released!