Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Musing :: Style : Mad Men - THE dress

For this week's Things I love Thursday
Well by now you know how i feel about vintage fashion by now!
This week one of my favorite shows returned
Mad Men is back!
A show with writing so good i EAST IT UP!
that's what gets me first and foremost!
Just to make matters even more delicious?
It is positively crowing with vintage fashion!

So, take a little peep at these Mad Women :D!

The knew vixen in town boy oh boy as a character she has proven her self to be SO much more than 'just a skirt' surprising us all!

THE dress in the season primer!
Do you know when the design team found the initial vintage dress the sleeve was dead and they had to redo it from scratch?!
I'm so in love with this dress i just may buy it! Well...Or it's closest likeness....

Plot praise: much in this picture if you're a fan of the show ;) Inducing my favorite and second favorite character.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Musing :: NO(back in)TD : Vintage Nailpolish - Sally Hansen Teflon Tuff Nail Color - Envious Frost and...

Haven't talked about nail polish in a while. I was thinking about that old favorite bottle I had that was broken and that I found in my room that time.

Since I found that one why not track down another of my old favorites?

Problem was this bottle wasn't broken but scratched up, labels almost scratched off and old polish stains covering here and there and everywhere.

Well with the help of my awesome magnifier I was able to make out enough letters to address the all mighty google search.

It brought me to the realization that old Sally Hansen shades were AWESOME!

It would seem they had a frost line since both old shades I've mentioned so far are labeled with a frost tag at the end of their name. :)

It also brought me to find out that their old formula, like many of the past were carcinogenic which lead to the dumping of the old formula and the revamping of the brand sans those old favorites...'s nice to remember them in their olden day glory before we knew they could give us cancer too.

Honestly I do not own any green shades of polish except my raggedy old almost finished bottle of Envious Frost :( but I've honestly never seen another green shade that appeals to me like this one :(
Oh how it would shimmer and shine and stay on for looooooong expanses of time!

Oh what a long way we've all come since then! I even found this amazing thing this week. It truly shocked me as this poor lil country o'mine rarely has anything of this nature but LO AND BEHOLD!

Who would have thought?! A dotting tool! I know that ideally different sizes would be nice but for me one little lucky find like this makes my month!!! I've been looking for these forever!

I'm afraid of my lack of skill with the brushes but OH WELL!!! We shall see what surprises they bring!

It's funny, I happen to root in my heart an affirmation I heard on the radio as I traveled about today, I shall share it with you he said 'I am going to create a great day'

Poof! Dotting tool! Coincidence!? Honestly who knows...


What about you? Got any good old nail polish throw backs? Any completely fantastic completely comPLETELY unexpected finds?!

Do tell!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Drumming and Cultural Dance at the Grenada National Museum

I finished my first midterm on Friday and proceeded along one of the loveliest walks on the island; along the carenage. It was my favourite weather too; seriously overcast with not one drip of rain littering the grounds of the city. I lingered along the statue that always calls to me. (I even have a poem about it but that's another story entirely i suppose! )

Word in my email on the artistsy grape vine was that there would be a drumming and poetry event this Friday. In my sullen mood i decided why NOT pay a visit? Sat for a while about the tables of the Museum Bistro.

The menu was blank so i figured nothing was ready yet. After much waiting and hunger i decided to forget it and leave for Fast Food Chicken.
On my way out i past a poster advertising the even i was actually there to see, it was past starting time and i was annoyed but seeing the poster awoke the curiosity in me again.

So hungry, tired and intrigued back i went. I decided to man up and just ask what was on the menu this time. It was not the usual Chief but there was a lovely burrito, fries and salad combo that i forgot to take a picture of in my hunger but you'll live I'm sure.

Got comfortable under the cool vine decorations up along the wall of the bistro and began to endure my long wait for food...I thrilled myself by watching the refreshments get under way.

Too bad i don't like the taste of the stuff. :p

There set up was pretty though and only fuelled my intrigue...

Finally the night was under way! These lovely ladies started us off and i got the treat of watching some cultural folk songs preformed in the olden way. National Colours for the win? Did you notice?

This dance was by far my favorite! I even scored some video (phone quality sorry)

I know it's blurry but look how fast she is moving! Look at the way she masters all those folds of cloth around her! It's SO beautiful! I felt so privileged as i sat there watching. Knowing that hundreds of years ago, in a small room somewhere, slaves were dancing away their fear, their sorrow, their confusion....and that today, the ancestors of said slaves, were in a National Museum. Doing The Same Thing...Dancing the same dance....happy for different reasons...


The host for the night and his son, drumming on self made sheep skin drums, singing folk music that i barely remembered but some how knew the words to (well at least one)

This little girl was very brave and went up to sing an Adelle song.

Some of the cast coming out for their final bow. Almost happier to preform it than we were to see it! Almost!

How can one start to appreciate anything if you don't appreciate where you come from? I'm not asking anyone to listen to soca or reggae or calypso all day.

I'm just saying remember, it's important to embrace all that makes you you. The things you hold near that belong to someone else? Eventually all get ripped away....all you're left with is what you were given...that which is yours.
I appreciate and adore SO MANY cultures. I'm not about to reject all aspects of my own. I do not LIKE all aspects of my own but who ever does? ;)
I do make sure not to throw the cultural baby out with the bath water though.

To not claim we do not know what our culture is and only cling to foreign ones and then be one of those people who ONLY does the same.
Nothing is all bad and nothing is all good.

I admit and accept that and believe it to be true about my own culture.
I hope, that wherever and whatever it is that you are coming can say the same.

I once read that 'Too many people over value what they're not and under value what they are.' Does that sound like you?

Peace. Love. Soul.

Friday, 9 March 2012

The Wordy Phoenix performs on Day Break Grenada

Went to the set of 'Day Break' to recite a self composed poem. Coinciding with support for National Women's Day.

photo by: Eli

Like my radio show guru friend puts it, it's not about a fight about who is better man or woman, it's about fighting against a negative mentality, one that has us thinking that embracing femininity is embracing weakness. So if International Women's Day is against that, I approve this message.

Eli was with me as she was asked to recite a famous poem about women by a famous woman.

However...let's review...

It's five AM

maybe you didn't hear me,


I reach over to stop that incessant noise that is my alarm.

So there I am. I am a working student with a midterm in less than a day,
Why am I awake at five am for something that is not work?

But everything is better after a hot bath right?

One hot bath later.

I am wondering what I've gotten myself into.

But as I comb my hair in my living room, alongside furniture who's edges are dimly lit by the rays of fleeing moonlight i notice...

The moon is pretty.

As it sets and gives way to the waking of day. It is quiet, filled with the peace of a sleeping house. In this very moment I am warm,I am at peace. I am grateful. Also, I am reluctant to disturb this peace with the not so gentle hum of the microwave for the preparation of tea.

Five seconds later (or so it seems) Birds are chirping, The sky is fills with the light of dawn My mom is awake and urging me out of the house with her paranoid but what always turns out to be not so paranoid banter.

So I am off and out of the house busily making my way to the bus pick up in time to catch the remnants of night's coat tail exit the day, saying good by to the leaves of the trees...

And oh! What a beautiful scene right?I'm not worried, I'm early.
I was awake when everyone's alarm started going off, I gave myself time to do all the things of my morning routine and I was now planted squarely about the bus route waiting....and waiting...and waiting for a bus.

Watch glance
It is 6:45
Still waiting.

It takes me 30 minutes to get to my destination. I am expected at 7:10There is no bus in sight

At this point I know that this is not working. This will not work.I am thinking the daughters words of death 'My mother was right'
More expletives.

I will not make it.
I will not make it.
I will NOT make it unless....

I get a ride.

I hate sticking my hand out and asking for rides. I always feel so silly and bothersome when I beg for them. But I've exhausted my explosives for now and I want to win. The next vehicle that passes by here I am begging for a ride.

1 vehicle...
Me begging...
No dice...
Shot to the chest.
Repeat process with vehicle number 2
Vehicle number 3

He passes....

He stops.

I make a very physical voiceless gesture of 'yes thank you Jesus and God'

Run like your life depends on it.

Ride attained

In town by 7.05

Always late friend is already there.

Speed walk to studio.


Follow given instructions.

Get lot.

Get slightly annoyed.
Ask directions from mall security.
Given more directions.
Find studio.
Notice that the person who invited us there...isn't there...
Feel stomach butterflies.
Finish taping.
Off to breakfast with friend!

the set of Daybreak Grenada to re sight a self composed poem in connection to International Women's Day on the morning of Thursday 8th 2012

That's right! MORE TEA!

Old ribbon for International Women's Day pinned to one of the hosts shirt!

Aside from the blurry pictures and wind muddling our voices here and there, a morning well spent :)

Will update with video when it is released!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Wordy Phoenix performs on International Womens Day Radio Program

I had a very interesting few days :)

In case you didn't know the 8th of March is designated as International Women's Day. In that regard, a new found friend asked me to aid her in the radio recording of a...sort of poetic public service announcement if you will, centred around International Women's' Day

So I did make it to meet her at one of the local radio stations, despite the persistent down pour of cats and dogs. She wiped out her equipment and we got down to business!

Got a bit carried away thought and before we knew it me and my so called umbrella and her and her lack there of were imprisoned by the down pour!
Luckily what she did have was a brave voice with which to yell out a random stranger and hitch an umbrella ride to the bus stop. :D

Then on another night it was off to Jazz and Poetry Night at the National Museum!

That day we said our temporary good byes to one of the regulars (guy on the drums) as he and his wife will be travelling for a lengthier time than is usual.

This is the precious little girl who when asked 'What do you think love is?' got up on stage and answered ' Is something, that you give away...and it comes right back to you'

And this is a terrifying but extremely satisfying vantage point!

Taken at the end of the night when the audience have left, the lighting is boring and the chairs have almost all been moved away of cours bus tstill...that stage though. Ah! Artistic wonderfulness! :D

Wanna hear my voice on the radio? Tune in to this program in the month of March!

I shall update this post after the program airs.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Musing Style:: OOTD : Pheonix In Flight

Well i did promise a pic of my orange lipstick didn't i?


Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
It's just a simple store bought brand 'Coral Crush' by 'Beauty Treats'

That was an eventful night
Went to The Nutrition Club,
Met amazing people.
Read Poetry
Was pleased with my performance.
had a cute little health drink in a fancy glass

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Do you have any idea how much i love fancy glasses? No You Do Not
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Had a general artsy fartsy good time!

The outfit that went with it!
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