Monday 10 October 2011

Musing :: NOTD : Quirus Yellow for Gryffindor!

Qurius in "278 - Yellow Tulip" Don't like how it looked in the sun but it's a beeeeeautiful pastel yellow in the shade, i do NOT regret buying it all those years ago. (sorry the picture is a 'before clean up' shot again!)

Then i was going to the HP movie with some pals...

So decided to Gyriffindor it up some!
Fun fun! :D

And on that note! It was probably my last Gryffindor venture Y.Y

Perhaps you've heard of Pottermore?
It's this amazing new interactive site that J.K.Rowling herself has a hand in, a venture to fill the void felt by us HP fans (like myself who started reading the book when Harry and i were the same ripe old age of 11, so we started that journey together you see <3.
Well Lady Rowling has designed a sorting hat system for us (i'm a part of the early entrance beta testers) and you wont believe it! (i sure didn't! Not in my wildest dreams!)
The sorting hat has spoken!

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension



I've also been issued a wand. :)


Potterheads will know that if you identified with one house for a long time and suddenly the Author herself tells you different it's kind of a swift slap to the face....but the pain disappears quickly!
I truly admire J.K. Rowling for what she has been able to do with this series for her readers. She's made every house so diverse, caused us to birth loyalties and favoritism yes but at the same time she's worked her system in a way that it makes people remember that there are no black and white people, everybody has a bit of a shade of gray in them despite if it's lighter or darker. She's made us appreciate ALL personalities and see the strengths and weakness in them all i.e Brave but impulsive Gryffindor or cunning but pertinacious Slytherin!

Regardless, she left a lot of potterheads with a need to build some House Pride fast!
Here is my attempt. Designing my in game avatar, a Ravenclaw (for those who don't know i've always wanted pink hair :P)

Cant have pink hair while flying on a broomstick though, will distract the muggles :P

It has worked, i am a proud Ravenclaw now. Though Gryffindor will ALWAYS be close to my heart :)

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